Vendor: Nist
(NISTIR 7769) Human Factors Guidance to Prevent Healthcare Disparities with the Adoption of EHRs
HITECH Act's provisions to drive adoption and meaningful use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) holds great promise in supporting improvements in the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of care delivery. Replacing paper-based processes with electronic ones will have profound implications on both how care is...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Nist
Aid for Decontamination of Fire and Rescue Service Protective Clothing and Equipment After Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Exposures.
The first priority for fire and rescue service personnel and all emergency first responders when responding to any call is the safety of all emergency personnel. Emergency first responders have been called to every recent terrorist attack in North America, and they will continue...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
An Evaluation of Automated Latent Fingerprint Identification Technology (Phase II)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), with the cooperation of eight technology providers, performed a test of accuracy for searching latent fingerprints when using automatically extracted features and matching (AFEM). This test is Phase II of the Evaluation of Latent Fingerprint Technology...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
Analysis of Three Different Regression Models to Estimate the Ballistic Performance of New and Environmentally Conditioned Body Armor
The performance standard for ballistic-resistant body armor published by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), NIJ Standard 0101.06, recommends estimating the perforation performance of body armor by performing a statistical analysis on V50 ballistic limit testing data. The logistic regression model is the statistical...- $11.99
$11.99- $11.99
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Vendor: Nist
Border Gateway Protocol Security
This document introduces the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), explains its importance to the internet, and provides a set of best practices that can help in protecting BGP. Best practices described here are intended to be implementable on nearly all currently available BGP routers. While...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Nist
Cell Phone Forensic Tools: An Overview and Analysis Update
Cell phones and other handheld devices incorporating cell phone capabilities (e.g., Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) phones) are ubiquitous. Rather than just placing calls, certain phones allow users to perform additional tasks such as SMS (Short Message Service) messaging, Multi-Media Messaging Service (MMS) messaging, IM...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
Cell Phone Forensics Tools: An Overview and Analysis
Cell phones and other handheld devices incorporating cell phone capabilities (e.g., Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) phones) are ubiquitous. Rather than just placing calls, certain phones allow users to perform additional tasks such as SMS (Short Message Service) messaging, Multi-Media Messaging Service (MMS) messaging, IM...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
Computer Security Incident Handling Guide
Computer security incident response has become an important component of information technology (IT) programs. Securityrelated threats have become not only more numerous and diverse but also more damaging and disruptive. An incident response capability is necessary for rapidly detecting incidents, minimizing loss and destruction,...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Nist
Computer Security: Bibliography Of Selected Computer Security Publications January 1980-October 1989
This bibliography cites selected books and articles on computer security published from January 1980 through October 1989. To have been selected, an article had to be substantial in content and have been published in professional or technical journals, magazines, or conference proceedings. Only very...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
Creating a Patch and Vulnerability Management Program
This document provides guidance on creating a security patch and vulnerability management program and testing the effectiveness of that program. The primary audience is security managers who are responsible for designing and implementing the program. However, this document also contains information useful to system...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Nist
Effect of Al2O3 Nanolubricant on R134a Pool Boiling Heat Transfer with Extensive Measurement and Analysis Details
This paper quantifies the influence of Al2O3 nanoparticles on the pool boiling performance of R134a/polyolester mixtures on a roughened, horizontal, flat surface. Nanofluids are liquids that contain dispersed nano-size particles. A lubricant based nanofluid (nanolubricant) was made by suspending 20 nm diameter Al2O3 particles...- $11.99
$11.99- $11.99
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Vendor: Nist
Effect of Positive Pressure Ventilation on a Room Fire
Fire departments use ventilation blowers or fans to pressurize a structure prior to suppressing a fire. This pressurization or positive pressure ventilation (PPV) tactic has not been characterized carefully enough to establish specific guidelines for optimum use of PPV. PPV can assist in the...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Nist
Enhancement of the Virtual Cybernetic Building Testbed to Include a Zone Fire Model With HVAC Components
As part of a Cybernetic Building Systems project at the NIST Building and Fire Research Laboratory, a whole building emulator called the Virtual Cybernetic Building Testbed (VCBT) has been developed. The VCBT combines simulation tools with commercial building automation system products in order to...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
Evaluating Positive Pressure Ventilation In Large Structures: High-Rise Fire Experiments
A series of six experiments was conducted in a highrise apartment building in Chicago, Illinois. One experiment on each of the fire floors utilized portable fans and the other utilized a large truck or trailer mounted fan. The two experiments on the third floor...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Nist
Evaluation of the Ability of Fire Dynamic Simulator to Simulate Positive Pressure Ventilation in the Laboratory and Practical Scenarios
Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) is a tactic that is used on fire grounds across the world everyday, both to improve tenability after the extinguishment of a fire and/or offensively during fire attack to improve firefighting conditions. PPV has proven that it can be a...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster (NIST
This report describes how the fires that followed the impact of debris from the collapse of WTC 1 (the north tower) led to the collapse of WTC 7; an evaluation of the building evacuation and emergency response procedures; what procedures and practices were used...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
Guide on Data Entity (Naming Conventions)
A coherent set of naming conventions for data entities is crucial to the central management of data. Name content and format must be designed to maximize the information content and relationship to the logical structure of the data. This report discusses the development and...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Nist
Introduction to Public Key Technology and the Federal PKI Infrastructure
This publication was developed to assist agency decision-makers in determining if a PKI is appropriate for their agency, and how PKI services can be deployed most effectively within a Federal agency. It is intended to provide an overview of PKI functions and their applications....- $11.99
$11.99- $11.99
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Vendor: Nist
Performance Criteria For an ASTM XRF Standard Test Method For Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cements: Inter-Laboratory Study Cements E and F
Bulk oxide determinations from a pair of port-land cements provides the basis for calculation precision and accuracy values for X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis for both the fused glass bead and the pressed powder sample preparation. This report is the second in a series on...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
Performance of New and Aged Residential Fire Sprinklers
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) initiated a program to determine the effects of emissions from problem drywall on residential electrical, gas distribution, and fire safety components. As part of this program, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) generated data to...- $13.99
$13.99- $13.99
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Vendor: Nist
Performance of Structures During the Loma Prieta Earthquake of October 17, 1989 (NIST SP 778)
Immediately following the magnitude 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake of October 17, 1989, a team representing the Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction surveyed the damage to buildings, utilities and transportation structures. This report is based primarily on the data gathered during the site...- $14.99
$14.99- $14.99
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Vendor: Nist
Smoke Component Yields from Bench-scale Fire Tests: 3. ISO 5660-1 / ASTM E 1354 with Enclosure and Variable Oxygen Concentration
A standard procedure is needed for obtaining smoke toxic potency data for use in fire hazard and risk analyses. Room fire testing of finished products is impractical, directing attention to the use of apparatus that can obtain the needed data quickly and at affordable...- $11.99
$11.99- $11.99
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