Proceedings in the House of Commons on the Slave Trade, and State of the Negroes in the West India Islands. with an Appendix. by Philip Francis, Esq. by Francis, Philip

Proceedings in the House of Commons on the Slave Trade, and State of the Negroes in the West India Islands. with an Appendix. by Philip Francis, Esq. (Paperback) (ISBN-13: 9781170524442)

Vendor: Philip Francis
Product type: Books
Format: Paperback
Subtotal: $19.75
Proceedings in the House of Commons on the Slave Trade, and State of the Negroes in the West India Islands. with an Appendix. by Philip Francis, Esq. by Francis, Philip

Proceedings in the House of Commons on the Slave Trade, and State of the Negroes in the West India Islands. with an Appendix. by Philip Francis, Esq.


Proceedings in the House of Commons on the Slave Trade, and State of the Negroes in the West India Islands. with an Appendix. by Philip Francis, Esq.

Format: Paperback

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